A new competition has been launched by a Birr playwriting festival.

Bringing the theatre to you online!

Little did the producers of Scripts Ireland’s Playwriting Festival think when they finished the Festival in November, they’d be back so soon planning and scheming another episode! As we adjust to the new normal we now find ourselves in, we are in awe of the valiant efforts of all our front-line workers, who are quite literally fighting for all our lives.

The producers of Scripts are not medics, but can help in another way, by playing a role in encouraging and supporting creativity to help our mental health in these uncertain and distressing times. Scripts is creating an opportunity for housebound writers to allow creativity to thrive, while reminding us we are part of a collective; a resilient resourceful community.

Co-producer, Angela Ryan Whyte said “the world as we know is changing daily, but we can still create the opportunity for new writing to be nurtured, reworked, and performed. We hope this new venture will help in some small way”.

Writers are invited to submit a monologue (up to 5 min in length) by Wednesday, April 8. The theme is open (this is not a time for rules but utter freedom of expression!) and there is no cost to entry (just one entry per writer).

Three monologues will be chosen to go through an online/remote one-on-one mentoring session with acclaimed playwright Eugene O’Brien. Each monologue will be edited and further developed based on these mentoring sessions. Each monologue will culminate with an online presentation through social media.

Write the monologue you always wanted to; create a character that will captivate and help make sense of this crazy world. 

If the people can’t come to the theatre, we’ll bring the theatre to you!

Full details on www.ScriptsIreland.com