Today is the last chance to get on the voting register for the general election.

DEADLINE DAY: Last chance to get a vote for the election

Today, Wednesday, is your last chance to secure a vote for yourself for the general election which will take place on Saturday, February 8.
The 2019-20 Register of Electors and its Supplement will be used in the general election. The 2020-2021 Register comes into effect on February 15, after the election.
To make sure you are on the 2019-20 Register, go to, or contact your local authority.
If you are not on the Register, the Citizens Information Service says you should contact your local authority to check if you are on the Supplement to the 2019-2020. 
If you are on the Supplement, then you are registered to vote in the general election.
If you are not on the Supplement, you can register to be included in the Supplement using form RFA2. If you have changed address, use form RFA3.
Forms must be received by your local authority before close of business today, on Wednesday, January 22, to be registered in time for the vote.