Bridge Centre hosts pop up cafe for World Mental Health Day
To celebrate World Mental Health Day, Offaly Minding Our Mental Health (OMOMH) in partnership with Tullamore Mental Health Association, is hosting a free Pop Up Cafe in The Bridge Centre on Wednesday October 9 from 10am to 12.30pm.
Sponsored by Cafe4U and The Bridge Centre, the aim of the Pop Up Cafe is to generate community conversation and explore ideas around positive mental health. The key theme will be Connecting. There is strong evidence that there are a number of practical things we can do to protect and boost our wellbeing and one of these is Connecting. OMOMH is inviting people to drop in and join their conversation and enjoy a free cup of tea or coffee and pick up some helpful tips and information – you might also be lucky and win a spot prize!
The Five Ways to Wellbeing - Connect; Be active; Keep Learning ; Take Notice and Give, are viewed as good ways to boost and enhance personal wellbeing in the same ways as five greens are good for our general health. Sometimes to connect we need to disconnect. Put your mobile phone on silent to enjoy a cup of tea and live chat! For further information visit FB page – OffalyMindingOurMentalHealth.