Lann Elo manager to issue residents with statement following eviction notices
Tullamore Housing Association is to issue a statement tonight, Thursday, at the Lann Elo housing project when residents meet to discuss eviction notices issued to nine families there.
Mr John Burke, manager at Tullamore Housing Association said he will attend the meeting in the Darmagh Centre off the Clontarf Road at 8pm to update those present following talks held with the housing association committee earlier today.
Last week, Mr Burke sought to reassure residents, telling the Offaly Independent: "All I can say is to reassure people that they will not be kicked out on October 6.”
Nine residents received eviction notices on August 24 and many are at a loss to where they will go to live, as they say there is very little alternative accommodation available, and many lanlords refuse to accept the HAP payment.
"Some of those issued with notices are single people, some are families with children, some are single parents, and some have disabilities,” said one resident who recieved an eviction notice. "I'm 25 and I've two young children, the youngest is a one-year-old.".
Residents called the meeting tonight inviting members of the Tullamore Housing Association Ltd, the Housing Officer at Offaly County Council, as well as local TDs and politicians.