Adrian's TV transformation ends
Just eight weeks ago Adrian Brereton weighed 18 stone 11 pounds and could run just 170 metres. After taking part in the final show of RTE's Operation Transformation, shown last Wednesday, he now weighs 15 stone 9 pounds and can run five kilometres in 36 minutes. Though planning to press on with weight loss plans until he breaks the 15 stone barrier, Adrian's immediate plans today revolve around just one thing - a celebration party. The party is set for Edenderry's GAA Hall at 8.30pm tonight (Friday) and is a real community affair with locals providing the food and local band Tara Shamrock providing the entertainment. Fellow Operation Transformation leaders Kayleigh Yeoman and Natalie Cox are also hoping to make it to Edenderry to the party, and Adrian has extended an invitation to anyone who has wished him well during his Operation Transformation journey to come and celebrate with him for the night. "It's for everyone," he said. At the beginning of the eight week television series Adrian admitted he cried watching himself. He cried again watching himself on the last programme of the series, but this time it was in joy. "For the first time I thought I looked well," he said, adding that watching the new Adrian on television was "a great buzz". Not only is Adrian a great deal fitter than he was at the year's beginning; his physical appearance has also changed dramatically. He recently had to send his wedding ring away to be resized he said, and a belt he wore on Brendan O'Connor's Saturday night show in early January that had to have an extra hole added to it now has no need for the additional hole or the five next to it! Adrian's final physical challenge on Operation Transformation was a five kilometre run in Dublin's Phoenix Park last weekend. Completing it in just over half an hour Adrian said he was "laughing the whole way round". Closer to home exercise will still play a part in Adrian's week, with Edenderry's unofficial walking club planning to continue 7pm walks on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.