Get up with the lark and celebrate the Dawn Chorus
With the arrival of summer weather this week the birds are in full song, so what better way to celebrate than with the "Dawn Chorus" at Kinnitty Castle this Sunday. Known to everyone, few have the opportunity to really listen and identify the magical sounds that are heard at the break of day so why not join BirdWatch Ireland"s Dawn Chorus in Kinnitty. This year, BirdWatch Ireland"s Midlands office, based at Crank House in Banagher, in association with the Offaly Naturalists Field Club, are running a Dawn Chorus event in the lovely grounds of Kinnitty Castle. The group is meeting in the car park of Kinnitty Castle, about 1.5km from Kinnitty on the R421 Cadamstown Road, on Sunday morning at 04:30. This may seem like an early start but it is ideal to ensure that you catch the start of the chorus, and pick out individual songsters before the big build up. Everyone is welcome, especially beginners and children. The variety of birdsong at this time of year is great, and you will not be disappointed with the choice of venue. You should hear most of our common birds such as Song Thrush, Blackbird, Robin and Wren, and hopefully some of our summer migrants - distant wanderers newly arrived from southern Europe or even Africa. If we are lucky, we may even glimpse Dippers on the Camcor River, or hear the chatter of Jays in the woodland. Please wear appropriate outdoor clothing (depending upon the weather) and sturdy, waterproof footwear such as walking boots or wellies. The magic of the dawn chorus is an experience not to be missed. To encourage you to set those alarms early, Kinnitty Castle has kindly agreed to serve a continental-styled Irish breakfast afterwards (cost €6) for those brave souls that are literally 'getting up with the lark'. If you are interested in coming along please contact Amanda Pedlow (Offaly County Council Heritage Officer) ( so we can get an idea of numbers for breakfast.