Eamon Dooley launches election campaign
Eamon Dooley launched his local election campaign at a packed Heritage Centre in Ferbane on Friday night and the mood was one of defiance and determination. Chairman of Offaly Fianna Fáil Padraig Boland was MC for the evening. Aidan Flaherty was the first speaker and he outlined a list of things that had been achieved in the area during Eamon Dooley"s tenure as the area"s public representative. He emphasised the investment in the town itself with the new second level school, the business park, the inner relief road and the variety of children-related facilities, saying it illustrated the Fianna Fáil Government"s desire to invest in Ferbane. 'Eamon Dooley was the conduit for that funding coming to this town, having displayed a capacity to recognise an opportunity for the area and possessing the political clout to deliver it for his community.' Mr Flaherty drew the attention of those present to Ferbane"s 60 year tradition of electing a Fianna Fáil councillor and he noted that Cllr Dooley is the only current councillor living and working locally. 'Never in the proud history of this community have we experienced such support from local and national Government and we have some candidates promoting change - is it change from investment, change from progress, change from having access to the highest political offices in the land? The response from Ferbane must be "Thanks, but no thanks - there"s no need for change here",' Mr Flaherty concluded. In introducing Cllr Dooley, Padraig Boland focused on his willingness to work with, and on behalf of, the people of west Offaly. 'Eamon Dooley has never been one for the cheerleading role - leading the dance while others expended their energy on the playing pitch,' he said. Describing Cllr Dooley as a man who has proven his capacity, particularly as Chairman of Offaly County Council and Co Offaly VEC, to cut through bureaucracy, to favour work over idle chat, to deliver - and in getting the work done he has been able to keep diverse interest groups and a broad spectrum of political hues, and none, on board. 'Eamon Dooley has delivered for west Offaly and Eamon Dooley will continue to deliver for west Offaly,' he said. Eamon Dooley acknowledged the introductions, joking that he"d had to check his pulse a couple of times, such glowing speeches being usually reserved for those who have passed away. Mr Dooley spoke about his pride in wearing the Fianna Fáil jersey for the past 16 years and spoke of working in partnership with his four outgoing colleagues for the betterment of the community. 'I am proud of what I have achieved with you and for you and for our community - and I am particularly proud of how the Taoiseach has, throughout my political career, been a huge supporter of initiatives in this area.' Looking forward to the campaign Cllr Dooley noted the difficult circumstances for Fianna Fáil candidates and warned that no seat would be easily won. But, he concluded, 'we"ve never been known for failing to deliver for either this community or this party and I don"t intend to start now.'