Birr duo to take part in Kenyan charity project
Two Birr women are seeking fund-raising support for volunteer work in Kenya this summer. Olivia Headon and Niamh Garry are holding a fundraising charity table quiz in aid of Kenyan children on Saturday, May 2nd at 6.30pm in the Maltings under Unique Physique. The quiz is for 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th class students. Entry is €3 each, 4 per team. Great prizes to be won! Olivia and Niahm are taking part in a Kenyan project organised through Irish-based charity "Gra". The name "Gra stands for Growth Reaching Africa and Giving Resources to Africa. This charity is unique as it was set up by young Irish people and continues to be run by morally responsible young people in Ireland. It is a completely voluntary organisation so there are no administration costs and all the proceeds of its fund-raising goes directly to the deprived Kenyan people. "Gra" is in partnership with a community-based Kenyan organisation, Mafanikio, which was set up to fight poverty in the forgotten underprivileged regions of Kenya. Mafanikio works on promoting human rights, gender equality and sustainable development. The programmes it organises include international volunteer work camps, school feeding projects and many more construction projects like well building with the overall aim of alleviating poverty in the area. Olivia and Niamh will be volunteering in the June work camp in the Eastern Provence of the Kirasha region. This camp is organised to complete the building of a primary school in the village of Kiukuni and to inspire youth empowerment in the area. It will also help to educate the children of the area against HIV and AIDS and teach English. There is a school feeding programme in this community which encourages the children to attend school. An important education fund also exists to support the local children, who could not otherwise afford it, through post primary education. The idea of the work camps is to create a medium where all nationalities can meet on par, can live and work together and combine their energies to address the problems faced by the locals in everyday life. In the long term, the work of volunteers improves living conditions and also creates self-initiative within the local community. More information can be had on both charities on the websites: and All money raised in the fundraising endeavours will go directly to these projects and the people of the community. One of our fundraising events will be a table quiz held in Birr for primary school children. For more info please call Olivia on 086 0813003 or Niamh on 085 1612021.