Hot Mikado is on song
Only two weeks of rehearsal remain before the opening night of Clara Musical Society"s 2009 production "The Hot Mikado". With an emperor, an executioner, three little maids and a condemned man (guilty of flirting) this story line promises to be hilarious with fine music thrown in for good measure. The cast of 40 are busy putting the finishing touches before opening night on Tuesday, March 31, at the Clara GAA Centre. Following on from last year"s hugely successful, double award winning "Singin" in the Rain" the cast and crew have set the expectation levels fairly high but are confident they won"t disappoint. The "Hot Mikado" is an updated version of the Gilbert and Sullivan"s perennial classic musical comedy, with the same script and much loved music, but with new musical arrangements to bring it into the 21st century and to help it appeal to a new audience. A full preview will appear next week. Programme advertisers and patrons are reminded to return their details this week as the programme print deadline is fast approaching. If you would like to become a patron please contact the society on 087 9366247 or at