The very heart of the nation"s capital

The brand new RTÉ series On The Street Where You Live takes viewers on a journey down Irish boulevards to discover the urban history, characters, meeting points and changes that have taken place. The stories behind the facades featured in On the Street Where You Live are told through local people who have witnessed the changes first hand. Episode One on Friday next focuses on O"Connell Street From risings to riots, from parades to cavalcades of foreign dignitaries, O"Connell Street has been a main stage for Ireland"s historic events. But is has also been the home and workplace for ordinary people whose lives were played out on the nation"s capital boulevard. Contributors to this episode include Carmel Moran, who lived on the O"Connell Street for 35 years and witnessed all the pivotal events from her sitting room window above the Happy Ring House. She still loves the street, even though she recently had to move out. Billy Fleming"s father was a road worker on the street, so he has plenty of childhood memories from O"Connell Street. Now he drives the no. 11 bus up and down the street several times a day Pat Liddy worked in Aer Lingus on O"Connell Street for 30 years and is now a local historian. On The Street Where You Live starts on Friday, January 16, on RTE One at 7.30pm