Doon GAA News

The AGM of Doon GAA club will take place on Sunday 18th January 2009 at 4pm sharp in the clubhouse. Both Members and Non-members are welcome to attend. Wedding Bells Congratulations to John Ryan and Shauna who were married recently and best wishes to both from all of Doon GAA. Walking Track Membership is now due for 2009 from all who wish to use the walking track at the GAA pitch. Fees are €20 for adult or €30 for family membership. Membership can be paid to any member of the committee. Well Done Vinny - Footballers of the Land Congratulations to Vinny Claffey who was recently selected on the top 15 farmers of all time who have played Gaelic football. The team was selected by Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh, Liam Mulvihill, Pat Smith and Sean Boylan and was in conjunction with the Irish Farmers Association (IFA) and the Irish Farmers Journal and the award was presented at a Gala night in the Radisson Hotel, Athlone. For information, the full 15 is as follows: 1. Eugene Lavin, Mayo; 2. Lar Foley, Dublin, 3. Noel Teirney, Galway, 4. Tom "Pook" Dillon, Galway; 5. Liam Harnan, Meath, 6. Tim Kennelly, Kerry, 7. Pat Reynolds, Meath; 8. Ray Carolan, Cavan, 9. Des Foley, Dublin; 10. Dan McAulliffe, Kerry, 11. Jim McCartan, Down; 12. Mickey Kearins, Sligo; 13. Vinny Claffey, Offaly, 14. Mattie McDonnell, Meath; 15. John Keenan, Galway.